- 德国西门子公司全名叫 Siemens AG,德国SAP公司全名叫 SAP AG,后面这个 AG 啥意思?
- 瑞典爱立信公司在新闻里面经常写作 Ericsson AB,这个 AB 是啥意思?
- 荷兰飞利浦公司 Philips Electronics N.V.,后面这个 N.V. 啥意思?
- 法国的汤姆逊公司 Thomson SA,后面这个 SA 啥意思?
感谢免费百科全书Wikipedia,总算搞明白了。其实都是公司的意思,更准确的说,是股份公司的意思,相当于英语的Limited company (Ltd.)、Corporation (Inc.).
Aktiengesellschaft (abbreviated AG) is a German term that refers to a corporation that is limited by shares, i.e., owned by shareholders. It may be traded on a stock market. The term is used in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The United States equivalent term is “public company”.
Aktiebolag is the Swedish term for a corporation, i.e. a company that has stocks. When used in company names it is abbreviated AB in Sweden and Ab in Finland. the British would be Limited company (Ltd.); the Americans call it corporation (Inc.).
The term Naamloze Vennootschap (usually abbreviated NV) is the Dutch terminology for a public limited liability corporation. The company is owned by shareholders, and the company’s shares are not registered to certain owners, so that they may be traded on the public stock market.
The phrase literally means “Nameless Partnership” and comes from the fact that the partners (the shareholders) are not directly known. This is in contrast to the term for a private limited company, which is called Besloten Vennootschap, usually abbreviated as B.V. (literally “Secluded Partnership”).
S.A. generally designates corporations in various countries. This translates literally in all languages mentioned as anonymous company or share company and can be differentiated from partnerships and limited liability companies.
S.A. is the abbreviation of:
* Société anonyme in French,
* Società anonima (SA) in Italian Switzerland,
* Societat Anònima in Catalan,
* Spółka Akcyjna in Polish,
* Sociedade Anônima (until 1991) and Sociedade por Ações (Brazilian) Sociedade Anónima (European) in Portuguese,
* Societate pe Acţiuni in Romanian,
* Sociedad Anónima or Sociedad por Acciones in Spanish
S.A. is :
* equivalent to Società per Azioni (S.p.A.) in Italian,
* equivalent to Naamloze Vennootschap (N.V.) in Dutch,
* equivalent to Anonymi Etairia (A.E.) or Ανώνυμη Εταιρία in Greek,
* equivalent to Akciová společnost (a.s.) in Czech,
* equivalent to Public limited company (Plc) in English.
* equivalent to Anonim Şirket (A.Ş.) in Turkish.
* equivalent to Aktiengesellschaft (AG) in German.
* equivalent to Aktieselskab (A/S) in Danish.
* equivalent to Aksjeselskap (AS) in Norwegian (bokmål).
* equivalent to Lutlag (LL) in Norwegian (nynorsk).
* equivalent to Perseroan Terbatas (P.T.) in Indonesia.
* equivalent to Sendirian Berhad (Sdn.Bhd.) in Malaysia.
* equivalent to Akcionarsko Drustvo(A.D.) in Serbia
* equivalent to Anonim Şirket(A.Ş.) in Turkish.
Comment by bread — 06/26/2007 @ 7:28 am
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