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Filed under: 所有帖子,社会 — Ding Feng @ 11:50 pm


很遗憾没有申请到门票,剑桥学生申请听讲座的人太踊跃,所以是随机抽取,基本上只有10%的概率被抽中。现场到快结束的时候出现骚乱, 一西方学生朝温总理扔鞋,所幸未扔到,我们在外看视频直播都看到了,也问了现场的同学,下面外电的描述基本属实。凤凰网一开始还有相关报道被放在主页头条,10分钟后删除(估计是接中宣部通知了,不过次日中国外交部已就此干扰事件答记者问)。我们今天在中国学联的组织下,顶着大雪在演讲厅的大楼外欢迎温总理,藏独分子找了一帮老外在外叫嚣,和法轮功痴迷者聚在一起,可是我们的 One China 等的口号,歌唱祖国的合唱,还 有锣鼓舞狮的气势始终压着那帮鸟人。当然剑桥大学也是很照顾我们中国学生的,尽管有言论自由的压力,但把我们支持温总理的区域全部安排在最靠近演讲厅的内圈,反华者则在相对偏远的地方。


在国外的亲身经历使我觉得,中国千万不能乱,否则真的什么事都办不了。我认为,新加坡的一党制至少在未来的20-30 年内比台湾地区的多党制更适合中国,否则在民智尚未完全得到足够教育和开化的情况 下搞所谓的民主,说不定就把达赖或李洪志选成了自治区主席,省长甚至国家领导,那中国就惨了。


Protestor throws shoe at Wen in Britain

CAMBRIDGE, England (AFP) – A protester hurled a shoe at Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao as he gave a speech at Britain’s Cambridge University on Monday, in a dramatic end to a five-nation tour of Europe.

In a clear echo of the Iraqi journalist who threw a shoe at George W. Bush in Baghdad in December, the 27-year-old Caucasian man shouted “This is a scandal” as he interrupted Wen from the back of the auditorium.

“This dictator here, how can you listen to the lies he’s telling? You are not challenging him,” he said before blowing a whistle and hurling the sports trainer at Wen, who had been discussing China’s role in the globalised world.

The shoe landed about a yard from the Chinese premier, who glanced sharply to one side to watch it hit the stage, but did not appear frightened. A security man moved across and kicked the shoe off the stage.

As the protester was bundled out, he shouted to audience members: “Stand up and protest,” to which some of the spectators — most of whom appeared to be Chinese students — retorted: “Shame on you, shame on you.”

After the interruption, Wen reproached the demonstrator.

“This despicable behaviour cannot stand in the way of friendship between China and the UK,” he said, receiving a round of applause from the audience.

The incident echoed the protest by Iraqi journalist Muntazer al-Zaidi against then-US president Bush on December 14, which won him global fame.

Cambridge police said the man, who appeared to have a non-English, European accent, surrendered peacefully after the protest and was arrested on suspicion of committing a public order offence.

“He didn’t resist at all. We ushered him out and he went peacefully,” said one of the university police.

A police spokeswoman later confirmed the man was 27 years old and lived in the city, but gave no information on his nationality.

The protest came after Wen gave a largely anodyne speech in Cambridge, southeastern England, in front of about 500 people in a concert hall.

Security was tight around the venue, and outside about 200 demonstrators, apparently mostly pro-Chinese, were kept at bay in two pens on the pavement.

Before the event began supporters waved red Chinese flags, while some banged drums and there was a colourful paper dragon — although one banner from a protester said: “Remember Tiananmen.”

Earlier, Wen held talks with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown in London where he promised to join urgent and coordinated action to avert a global economic disaster.

Wen’s first trip to Britain since 2006 marks the end of a high-profile visit to Europe that has taken him to Germany, Spain, the EU headquarters in Brussels and the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland.

But the tour has been clouded by pro-Tibetan protests which regularly target trips by Chinese leaders.

China is particularly sensitive about Tibet questions ahead of the 50th anniversary of the March 1959 uprising that led to the escape of Tibet’s spiritual leader the Dalai Lama into exile.

In London, some 50 pro-Tibetan and 100 pro-Chinese demonstrators gathered outside Brown’s Downing Street office for rival protests to coincide with Wen’s visit there. Five pro-Tibetan activists had been arrested in a protest Sunday.

Chinese state television CCTV broadcast Wen’s speech in Cambridge but abruptly cut away from the coverage when the protest happened.

A proctor, who is responsible for discipline at the university, told AFP: “When he stood up and started making his protest, the proctors asked him to stop shouting and sit down.

“He continued, took off a shoe and then threw it towards the stage. The constables got to him and took him out. The shouting was legitimate protest but throwing a shoe is something different.”

Vice-Chancellor Professor Alison Richard said: “I deeply regret that a single member of the audience this afternoon failed to show the respect for our speaker that is customary at Cambridge.

“This university is a place for considered argument and debate, not for shoe-throwing.”


央视直播在第42分钟左右当温总理讲到李约瑟的时候,显示了当时的画面,鞋应该是扔在了温总理右边一米左右的地方。后来的提问只问了两个问题,央视没有直播。不过两个问 题都还好回答,第一是关于发展的问题,第二是关于金融危机的问题。

大家可以注意到当温总理说这一卑鄙行径无法阻挡中英两国的友谊后,会场爆发了长时间的掌声,可是这掌声基本来自位于会场中央的华人学生(中国学联组织拿到票的中国同学早到以抢占前排和中央位置,还好这样,否则被那厮坐得近了说不定就扔准了),在第三排的外国人基本没有鼓掌。不过听在场同学说,第一排的外国教授们当时带头指责肇事者”shame on you” ” get out”,大家也就跟着齐声指责。总理毕竟是总理,在不知道是鞋还是炸弹的情况下,面不改色地站在那,值得敬佩!


Shame on BBC! BBC 的报道只报道一部分的抗议,我们中国同学和当地华人华侨的规模至少是藏独和法轮的5倍,可是BBC竟只报道他们,并只拍他们的照片登在网上。一 些记者来采访我们,一听我们是来支持温总理的,问了两句就走了,看到藏独,像看到亲爹似的围着就去采访。让我亲身体会到,这就是西方所谓的真实新闻报道,真实而片面 的报道有时比假新闻更能误导读者。所以,同学们,加油啊,出国,到西方的学校向周围西方的同学介绍真实的中国,用我们的力量去亲身对抗那些偏见。

1 Comment

  1. 看完了。很同意最后的观点。很多西方媒体都只报道很多中国的负面新闻,中国的新闻媒体在新闻界根本没有什么分量。

    Comment by HuangJ.in — 02/06/2009 @ 12:54 am

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